
Last Reminder: 2023-2024 Annual Due Payments

2023-2024 Annual Due Payments of $40 are now due. Only 26% of our community have paid. Dues are for snow removal and maintenance of three common areas. Payment can be made by cash, check, made out to PRCA (Pepper Ridge Civic Association) and sent to 4930 S. Tupelo Turn or you can pay online. We will not be sending out additional reminders. Note:  Mailboxes for 4930 S. Tupelo Turn & 4930 S. Raintree are on the same street; 4930 S. Tupelo Turn’s mailbox is on the side of the street where the houses face the front & is marked with the full address.

FINAL DEADLINE (December 1st) – Community Trash Discount with Evergreen Waste Services, (302) 635-7055. We only need 4 more homes to sign up to reach our goal. Once we achieve the goal, Evergreen will give all Pepper Ridge Customers a discount rate of $87 per quarter ($348 annually) for recycling and trash or $111 per quarter ($444 annually) for recycling, trash and yard waste. Evergreen comes every Monday picking up both recycling & trash. This is our last chance!!

FALL CLEANUP – Thank you to everyone that participated. It was definitely a bigger job than the spring cleanup. We were able to clean up two of the common areas as well as remove some of the leaves and pine needles off of Mermaid Blvd. Unfortunately, with only a handful of volunteers & the time it took for the common areas we were unable to pickup yard waste from our neighbors. Please check our FAQ on how to dispose of your yard waste.

Questions? Please contact us.