Dear Neighbors,
Happy New Year! Here’s the latest news from Pepper Ridge Civic Association.
2021-22 Civic Association Dues
This is a reminder to anyone that has not paid their 2021-22 civic association dues of $40 per household, payable to PRCA. If you need a reminder of where to send your payments or update your bill pay, please send us a message on Facebook or through the contact form on the homepage of this website.
Thank you to all of the residents that have paid their dues.
These dues are needed to continue the upkeep of the common areas and snow removal in our community. We have also inquired about costs for salting/sanding Mermaid Blvd. when ice is present. Without the participation of all our community members, we are unable to pay for these services.
Annual PRCA Meeting
PRCA annual meetings are usually held in the fall. Due to COVID-19 we have had to cancel our last two meetings. We are hoping to have a meeting sometime in the spring. We will let everyone know when or if a date can be scheduled. Until then, if anyone is interested in becoming a board member or a district representative please let us know. There are available positions.
We will be posting information on the PRCA Facebook page and this website. Look for updates including the possibility of accepting electronic payments.
Thank you and stay safe!
PRCA Board