Saturday, May 6, 2023, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Help us beautify our neighborhood! Move your yard waste to the curb on Saturday, May 6, and we’ll haul it to the collection site on Polly Drummond Hill Rd. NO BAGS, LUMBER, DIRT, ROCKS, or TRASH; ONLY loose yard waste. Branches must be 4” diameter or less; no stumps or logs. We’ll also clean up the three neighborhood common areas. Rain date (or extra work day): Sunday, May 7, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
We need a few neighbors with pickup trucks to volunteer! All are welcome to help load and unload the yard waste. Please bring a rake or shovel if you have one. We’ll provide water and light refreshments.
Email to let us know you’re interested and we’ll send more details.
Trash Removal Discount – We need 15 more homes to sign up in order for all Evergreen customers to receive the community discount rate of $87 per quarter for recycling and trash removal. Call 302-635-7055 to sign up.
Lawn Mowing Discount – McDonald Landscaping is honoring the discount price of $20 for center units and $25 for end units. Call 302-239-2180 to sign up.
Questions? Please reach out through our contact form or on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you!
Pepper Ridge Civic Association Board