The 2023 Pepper Ridge Civic Association (PRCA) annual meeting was held on September 26, 2023 at D-Fit Swim and Fitness Center on Mermaid Blvd. Agenda
Attendees: Fairlight Zimmerman, Treasurer; Heather Brooks, Secretary; Hoa Nguyen, District 1 Rep.; Barbara Prendergast, District 2 Rep.; Megan Brozek, District 4 Volunteer; Tanvi Rastogi, District 5 Volunteer; Kristine Anderson, District 7 Rep.; Lauren Zimmerman, District 8 Rep.; Brett Lenderman District Volunteer; Community Members – Rose Ehlen; Gregg Crabill; Ankit Kumar; Kristine Crabill; Ryan Rios; Pedro Rios; Rebecca Doan; Lauren Jarome.
The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m.
Board members and volunteers introduced themselves.
Treasury Report and Budget
Treasurer Fairlight Zimmerman presented the treasury report and budget. The budget was approved by board members during an Executive Board meeting held on June 19, 2023.
After presenting the report and budget, the treasurer spoke about the previous years of feedback received from residents that felt there had been insufficient snow removal in the past. It’s not that the Association did not hear them, but there were not enough funds to accommodate additional snow removal below the 4”. According to the bank statements that were available she presented the following:
- 2013 thru 2015/2016: Bank statements showed that the civic association had bank balances of approximately $3,000 to $5,000 just before winter. $5,000 is not enough money going into winter when snow removal costs were approximately $1,000-$1,200 for one event/pass. In 2014 dues increased from $35 to $40 due to low collection.
- 2017/2018: Civic association’s bank balance began to increase. This could have been a result of reduced spending or less snow.
- 2019 to Present: Bank balances stay in the $10,000 – $12,000 range. A January 2022 invoice from Boesen Landscaping was presented. For one snow plow under 4” and a ton of salt cost the Community $1,128.00. This was the only event for the 2021/2022 year. For 2022/2023 there was no snow. We are waiting for our new contract from Boesen as our current contract expires in November of 2023.
In short, the ability of the civic association to pay for snow removal is directly related to how many residents pay their annual dues.
Snow removal is expensive. If dues participation is low, the civic association may have limited ability to pay for snow removal and or salt/sand treatments. Neighborhood salt barrels were requested to Mike Ramone.
Maintenance of Common Areas
Secretary Heather Brooks reminded members that maintenance of the three neighborhood common areas is the responsibility of the civic association. If residents have a concern, they should bring it to the Executive Committee, so that any required work can be performed by a licensed and insured company and paid for by the civic association.
Major pruning of the pine trees in the common area on Mermaid Boulevard, opposite the entrance to Gingerwood Court, was performed recently without the consent or involvement of the civic association. Several neighbors present challenged the liability of performing substantial grooming of the common areas and said that they will continue doing it.
Community Trash Discount
After our July 1 deadline with Evergreen, some community members expressed interest on Facebook about the trash discount. We went back to our Evergreen representative to ask for a better discount rate to encourage the remaining neighbors to switch and to extend the deadline. The board came back with an extension, but said the discount was very competitive compared to other trash services. We are eight homes away from reaching the discounted rate from Evergreen Waste Services. We missed the first deadline but Evergreen has extended it until December 1.
If we achieve the goal, Evergreen will give all Pepper Ridge customers a discounted rate of $87 per quarter for recycling and trash or $111 per quarter for recycling, trash, and yard waste. Evergreen comes every Monday and will remove one bulk item per week at no additional charge. Residents need to contact Evergreen directly at 302-635-7055 to sign up.
Fall Cleanup
After saving the civic association $675 by performing a volunteer spring cleanup, we’d like to hold a fall cleanup in October or November. Once a date has been decided upon, the information will be posted on the PRCA website and Facebook pages.
Update from Rep. Mike Ramone
Rep. Ramone was asked by the Executive Committee to address three concerns affecting our neighborhood.
- Dangerous speeding on Mermaid Blvd.: Ramone said he will look into whether DelDOT will install speed bumps. This idea has been raised in the past. 60% of residents affected by the speed bumps would need to vote for them. This would include residents of Pepper Ridge and The Pines. Other ideas Ramone will inquire about include an electronic speed limit sign and a pilot three-way stop sign where the D-Fit entrance meets Mermaid Blvd.
- Sedimentation/erosion causing dirt and debris to accumulate in the road at the golf course end of Pepper Ridge Ct.: This issue was brought up at the June PRCA Executive Committee meeting. Ramone said he would bring someone from the New Castle County Conservation District to assess the problem.
- Trimming of trees on Mermaid Blvd: Ramone was asked who is responsible for trimming trees impinging on the roadway. He said he believes that is DelDOT’s responsibility and he will have them take a look.
A meeting attendee asked Ramone if DelDOT can add center-line striping on Mermaid Blvd. from Skyline Drive to Pepper Ridge. Ramone said he will inquire.
Election of Officers
A quorum is required to hold an election. A quorum is met when 30% of members (defined as residents up to date on their dues) attend a meeting. 20 members were required but only 17 members were in attendance, so the election could not be held. The previously elected secretary, treasurer, and district representatives will continue in their duties. The presidency and vice presidency will remain open.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Brooks
Secretary, PRCA